Visitors to apt6 up Late enjoyed talks
by curators on the artists and countries
represented in the exhibition, as well
a diverse program of australian, asian
and pacific music, including hip-hop,
reggae and pop performances. apt6
up Late also featured films by cult
Japanese director takeshi kitano and
selected screenings from the apt6
cinema program, promised Lands.
the apt6 up Late program ran every
friday night from 19 february to 26
march 2010, and attracted more than
4600 visitors.
up Late ‘Valentino retrospective’
(3 september – 12 november 2010)
proved to be one of the most popular
up Late programs presented by
the gallery, with a number of
events reaching capacity and total
attendance figures reaching more
than 16 900.
the vibrant and diverse audience
attending the gallery’s friday-night
up Late programs confirms that the
combination of exhibitions, films,
talks, music and social experiences
is popular for all ages.
opposite: known as one of the first hip-hop artists
in Japan, dJ krush (hideaki ishi) performed to a
sell-out crowd, goma, 17 september 2010.
top right: up Late provides the opportunity for
visitors to see current exhibitions with the addition
of specially developed after-hours programs such
as talks, performances and films in a social setting.
right: Local fashion designers and special guests
from the fashion and entertainment industries shared
their thoughts on fashion and contemporary culture
as part of the Valentino exhibition up Late program.
we take the opportunity to make a night of
it, enjoy dinner at the bistro, sometimes meet
with friends. it is a good incentive to get to the
gallery and enjoy the exhibition.
Visitor survey comment, april 2010
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