children’s art centre
opposite: incorporating specially designed games,
movement, making and looking activities, toddler
tuesday encourages toddlers, with their parents
and carers, to have fun while learning about art.
right: children were invited to make a hidden
garden of flower patterns from the asia pacific region
using coloured sand with Japanese artist shinji
ohmaki during the kids’ apt summer spectacular,
16–26 January 2010 | photograph: kate bennett
. . . the interactive aspect to the installations
was a great way of introducing my children to
the breadth of art presentation in order to
engage others. i really appreciated the
helpfulness of staff toward the children’s hat
making project. Very generous! thank you.
‘hats’ visitor survey comment, July 2010
qag and goma, and was attended
by more than 67 000 visitors. kids’
apt was proudly supported by the
tim fairfax family foundation.
Visitors of all ages were able to create
their own hat using crepe paper and
stencils inspired by the millinery on
display in ‘hats: an anthology by
stephen Jones’ (27 march – 27 June
2010). this children’s art centre
activity was designed within the
exhibition space, with participants
also invited to share their creations
online at the flickr top hats gallery.
‘contemporary art for contemporary
kids’ (6 october – 17 december
2010, sherman contemporary art
foundation, sydney) was co-curated
with the sherman contemporary
art foundation. it offered a unique
opportunity to reconfigure a number
of recent children’s art centre artist
projects developed for queensland art
gallery exhibitions and present them
in a new context for sydney audiences.
celebrating a decade of kids’ apt
and held in conjunction with apt6 (5
december 2009 – 5 april 2010), the
children’s art centre presented 17
engaging artist projects and art works
displayed across both buildings. over
130 000 young visitors attended kids’
apt, representing almost one quarter
of the total apt6 attendance.
the gallery also presented kids’ apt
summer spectacular (16–26 January
2010). the 11-day festival featured
artist workshops, performances,
cinema programs and projects at both
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