gallery members
gallery members enjoy a range of
exclusive programs and benefits —
offering a more personal relationship
with the gallery, staff and programs.
membership continued to increase,
with the number of active gallery
members reaching over 7245 this year.
a range of new member benefits was
introduced in 2010, including a new
membership card and loyalty program,
and increased discounts on exhibition
and cinema tickets. a variety of
members-only programs continued,
and these were also well attended.
above: after-hours functions and behind-the-
scenes insights are just some of the programs,
events and benefits gallery members enjoy.
centre: young members can explore and
create as part of the art in the afternoon program.
right: gallery members were offered a sneak peek of
the ‘21st century: art in the first decade’ exhibition
model, goma, 30 october 2010.
during the ‘Valentino retrospective’,
members made the most of their
priority and discounted exhibition
entry benefits.
a preview of ‘21st century: art in
the first decade’ gave members
the opportunity to experience the
exhibition before it was opened to
the public, and to talk with exhibiting
artist fiona hall.
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