australian cinémathèque
the gallery’s australian
cinémathèque remains the only
facility of its kind in an australian
art museum. this year over 500 short
and feature films and videos were
presented drawing an attendance
exceeding 30 000.
international film survey programs
were presented this year in association
with ‘the 6th asia pacific triennial of
contemporary art’ (apt6) — promised
Lands and the cypress and the crow:
50 years of iranian animation (both 5
december 2009 – april 2010).
the apt6 cinema program provided an enormous
wealth of ideas, as well as viewing pleasure,
for an increasingly grateful brisbane audience.
it is through exposure to these ideas, sounds,
images and experiences that we reach greater
understandings of our place in the region,
and the world, and of those we share it with.
danni Zuvela,
, february–march 2010
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