the major children’s art centre
21st Century Art for Kids
profiles art works, childhood images
and stories by 15 contemporary
artists from around the world as
presented in the exhibition. the
publication illustrates the diversity of
contemporary art practice in a format
that is appealing and accessible to
children. it also features specially
developed activities for children to
further explore contemporary art.
this publication was supported by
the ‘21st century’ exhibition principal
benefactor, the tim fairfax family
the ‘21st century: art in the first
decade’ exhibition presented
an opportunity to embark on an
ambitious publishing program.
aimed at generating discussion and
debate about what art means at the
close of the decade, two publications
were produced.
the 296-page publication
Century: Art in the First Decade
a stand-alone volume exploring art
and art writing at the end of the first
decade of the 21st century. essays
by gallery curators and leading
australian and international writers
provide incisive thinking about
contemporary art. this publication
reveals the scope of the gallery’s
developing contemporary art
the gallery’s publishing program
supports new writing, research and
scholarship based on the collection
and the exhibitions program. these
beautifully designed publications
enjoy a wide readership, and range
from books and exhibition catalogues
to education resources and the
quarterly magazine,
major publications produced this year
Unnerved: The New Zealand
21st Century: Art in the
First Decade
. the accompanying
publication for the major exhibition
‘unnerved: the new Zealand project’
was a richly illustrated catalogue
featuring work by new Zealand artists
from the late 1960s to the present.
essays explored new Zealand’s
contemporary artistic practice and
profiled the work of over 30 artists
represented in the exhibition.
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