armando andrade tudela
since 2000, peruvian-born artist
armando andrade tudela has lived
and worked in european cities
including London, maastricht, st
etienne and berlin. andrade tudela’s
exploration of themes of displacement
has been prompted by both his
itinerancy and interest in processes of
cultural assimilation.
2003 comprises 60 35mm
slides, each documenting a truck
seen by the artist on his numerous
road trips on peruvian highways.
documents the phenomenon
of truck owners in peru painting
abstract murals on their vehicles,
which range in styles from 1970s
graphic designs to corporate logos.
european audiences are likely to
see in them the legacy of geometric
abstract painting characterised by
artists such as kenneth noland, frank
stella or ellsworth kelly. andrade
tudela points to the many overlapping
histories through which images are
generated, translated and interpreted.
while we are renowned for our holdings of contemporary
art from asia, the pacific and australia, the gallery’s recent
acquisitions represent contemporary art more broadly with
works from eastern europe, north, south and central america,
west asia and africa.
international acquisitions
Latifa echakhch
À chaque stencil une
révolution (For each stencil
a revolution)
Latifa echakhch draws on objects
and motifs relating to her moroccan
heritage and to european and united
states postwar art — minimalism and
colour field painting from the 1960s,
in particular. echakhch’s installations
give presence to the language of
politics and protest through a range
of materials while also exploring
how the treatment of an exhibition
space can refer to forms of political
opposite: carsten höller | belgium/sweden b.1961 |
(installation view) 2010 | stainless steel, polycarbonate and
rubber mats | 950 x 2562 x 412cm (installed) | commissioned for
‘21st century: art in the first decade’, gallery of modern art, 2010
| purchased 2010 with a special allocation from the queensland art
gallery foundation | collection: queensland art gallery | ©
Right Slide
2010, carsten höller for goma
right: armando andrade tudela |
(detail) 2003 | 35mm
single screen slide projection, 60 slides, ed. 5/5 | 44 x 12 x 11cm |
purchased 2010 with a special allocation from the queensland art
gallery foundation | collection: queensland art gallery
À chaque stencil
une révolution (For each stencil a
(see p.6) 2007 involves
carbon paper and stencil machines,
materials once used to reproduce
political flyers. once installed, alcohol
is poured over the carbon paper’s
dark blue surface, creating variations
in shade and texture as the pigment
bleeds down the walls and pools
on the gallery floor. the paper’s
rhetorical power is drained, with
echakhch’s work standing as an eerie
monument to revolutions past.
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