multiple choice
5 June – 17 october 2010 | goma
‘multiple choice’ showcased works from the gallery’s
diverse holdings of artists’ multiples, from record albums
and ceramics to posters, books and toys. it examined a
range of approaches to the multiple form that have been
employed by artists since the 1960s to the present day
and included works from the gallery’s rich holdings of
fluxus works, as well as works by contemporary artists
damien hirst, takashi murakami and tracey emin.
an installation view of the collection display, featuring olivier mosset’s
2002 on the wall.
pacific Jewellery
10 april – 5 december 2010 | goma
a ceremonial, celebratory and performative object,
the lei has undergone many changes but retains its
significance across the pacific. this collection display
contained 25 pieces of pacific jewellery and focused
on the diversity of media used by artists to create leis
and other forms of body adornment in the pacific.
sofia tekela-smith | new Zealand b.1970 |
(from ‘Lovely hula hands’ series) 2002 |
mother of pearl and waxed thread | 44cm (long); breastplate: 13 x 17.8 x 2.5cm | purchased
2002 | collection: queensland art gallery
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