Joe rootsey:
painter 1918–63
17 July – 3 october 2010 | qag
an amu wuriingu man from barrow point, north of cooktown,
Joe alimindjin rootsey’s brilliant watercolours bring to life the
intensity of queensland’s far north. keenly observant, rootsey
evoked the humid atmosphere, diverse landscapes and vibrant
colours of his own cape york country.
Joe rootsey’s work was shown to acclaim in the queensland art
gallery’s 2003 exhibition ‘story place: indigenous art of cape
york and the rainforest’. ‘Joe rootsey: queensland aboriginal
painter 1918–63’ was the first major solo exhibition of his work.
Vida Lahey:
colour and modernism
16 october 2010 – 13 february 2011 | qag
drawn mainly from the gallery’s own extensive holdings,
together with loans from public and private brisbane
collections, ‘Vida Lahey: colour and modernism’ celebrated
the work of one of queensland’s best loved artists. Lahey’s
exceptional handling of colour was demonstrated in this
display that featured paintings, which included her watercolour
studies of the modern city and brilliant floral still lifes.
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