international and
asian collections rehang
16 october 2010 – ongoing | qag
opposite: david burnett, curator, international art,
leads a tour of the new display of works from the
international collection, qag, 16 october 2010.
right: the resource Lounge offers further
opportunity for visitors to explore the
artists and works held in the collection.
the gallery’s collection and our
focus on audience and their needs
have been the foundation of
many achievements this year.
the international collection now
takes a front-of-house position in
galleries 1 and 2 at the queensland
art gallery. key works such as the
master of frankfurt’s
Virgin and
Child with Saint James the Pilgrim,
Saint Catherine and the Donor with
Saint Peter
c.1496, tintoretto’s
risorgente (The risen Christ)
La Belle Hollandaise
and degas’s
Trois danseuses à la
classe de danse (Three dancers at a
dancing class)
c.1888–90 feature in
this newly contextualised display.
in the asian gallery, the permanent
display of neolithic wares from Japan
and china and superb folding screens
are augmented by a focused selection
of ceramics, photographs and works
on paper.
the new display in the philip bacon
galleries (galleries 7 & 8) draws on
ideas of exchange and interaction
within asia, and also engages with
the effects of european trade on
the material and visual cultures of
the region, with a dynamic display
of asian and european art and
decorative arts. recent acquisitions
include a selection of hand-
coloured studio photographs and
rare ambrotypes in a display that
considers Japan’s modern period at
the turn of the twentieth century.
modern european, british and north
american works, including willem de
Two trees on Mary Street ...
1975, are also featured in the
philip bacon galleries (gallery 9).
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