hats: an anthology
by stephen Jones
27 march – 27 June 2010 | qag
‘hats: an anthology by stephen
Jones’, a collaboration between
London’s Victoria and albert museum
(V&a) and one of the world’s foremost
milliners, was shown exclusively
in australia at the queensland
art gallery.
exploring the fascinating world of
millinery, the exhibition presented
more than 250 hats and iconic
headpieces from the V&a’s extensive
collection and Jones’s own archive.
the V&a’s selection was augmented
by a display of works by leading
australian milliners including rosie
boylan, suzy o’rourke, peter Jago and
neil grigg.
‘hats: an anthology by stephen Jones’
proved extremely popular with visitors
from all over australia, attracting
almost 250 000 visitors to the gallery
during its 13-week season.
the exhibition was organised by the Victoria
and albert museum, London and presented
by the queensland government.
opposite: inspired by the original display at the
Victoria and albert museum, ‘hats’ was designed
to evoke a fantastical garden in which groups of
hats are arranged like decorative floral bouquets.
right: Visitors of all ages were invited to make their
own paper hats in the ‘top hats’ activity adjoining
the exhibition | photograph: katie bennett
i was blown away, not just by the hats,
which were wonderful . . . but also by the
number of people in the exhibition mid-morning on
a weekday . . . the brisbane public were loving it.
georgina safe,
, 14 april 2010
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