Queensland Art Gallery Board of Trustees Annual Report 2013–14
Queensland Ar t Gallery Board of Trustees
Notes to and forming par t of the Financial Statements 2013–14
(c) Grants and Other Contributions
Grants and other contributions that are non-reciprocal in nature are generally recognised
as revenue in the year in which the Gallery obtains control over them. Control is generally
obtained at the time of receipt.
Where the payment of a non-reciprocal grant or contribution is set out in a contractual
agreement (e.g. sponsorship agreement), the Gallery recognises revenue when it is
receivable as per the contractual arrangement.
Where grants are received that are reciprocal in nature, revenue is accrued over the term
of the funding arrangement.
Contributed assets, such as donated art work, are recognised at their fair value at the
time of acceptance by the Gallery.
Contributions of services are recognised when a fair value can be determined reliably
and the services would be purchased if they had not been donated. The Gallery did not
recognise any contributed services in the 2013–14 or 2012–13 years.
(d) User Charges and Fees
User charges and fees controlled by the Gallery are recognised as revenue when the
revenue has been earned and can be measured reliably with a sufficient degree of
certainty. This involves either invoicing for related goods / services and or the recognition
of accrued revenue. User charges are controlled by the Gallery where they can be
deployed for the achievement of the Gallery's objectives.
(e) Special Payments
Special payments include ex gratia expenditure and other expenditure that the Gallery is not
contractually or legally obliged to make to other parties. In compliance with the
Financial and
Performance Management Standard 2009
, the Gallery maintains a register setting out details
of all special payments greater than $5,000. The total of all special payments (including
those of $5,000 or less) is disclosed separately in Note 11. However, descriptions of the
nature of special payments are only provided for special payments greater than $5,000.
(f) Cash and Cash Equivalents
For the purposes of the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Cash
Flows, cash assets include all cash and cheques receipted but not banked at 30 June,
deposits at call with financial institutions, and fixed-term investments of three months or
less that are held for cash management purposes, are readily convertible to cash on
hand at the Gallery’s or issuer’s option, and are subject to a low risk of changes in value.
The Queensland Art Gallery |Gallery of Modern Art Foundation Committee has
investments (in term deposits and cash deposits) that are required to be preserved under
the terms of their donations and bequests. As these invested funds are preserved, the
investments are classified as non-current financial assets, and not cash and cash
(g) Receivables
Trade debtors are recognised at the amounts due at the time of sale or service delivery.
Settlement of these amounts is required within 30 days from invoice date.
The collectability of receivables is assessed periodically with an allowance being made
for impairment. All known bad debts were written off as at 30 June.
(h) Inventories
Inventories are retail stock held for sale through the Gallery stores, and beverage stock
for sale in the Gallery cafes and restaurants. All food purchases are expensed on