21st century:
art in the first decade
18 december 2010 – 26 april 2011 | goma
gallery of modern art; 12 interactive
works for children and a summer
festival; three film programs; an
innovative range of public programs;
a blog; two publications (including
the gallery’s first major publication
on contemporary art for children); as
well as educational and interpretive
programs and resources.
focusing on works created
between 2000 and 2010, and drawn
predominantly from the gallery’s
contemporary international
collection, ‘21st century’ also features
outstanding new commissions and
a group of key loans. broad in its
geographic and generational scope,
‘21st century’ includes over 200
works by more than 140 emerging,
mid-career and senior artists from
over 40 countries.
top: the curated internet meme project lounge
encourages interactive exploration of internet
viral videos on over 200 screens.
right: international dJ pantha du prince
performed at the opening night celebrations,
goma, 17 december 2010.
opposite: pascale marthine tayou | cameroon b.1967 |
Plastic bags
2001–10 | plastic bags | 600 x 600 x 600cm (variable) | commissioned
for ‘21st century: art in the first decade’ | courtesy: the artist and
galleria continua, san gimignano, beijing, Le moulin
previous page: carsten höller | belgium/sweden b.1961 |
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(installation view) 2010 | stainless steel,
polycarbonate and rubber mats | 950 x 2562 x 412cm (installed) |
commissioned for ‘21st century: art in the first decade’, gallery
of modern art, 2010 | purchased 2010 with a special allocation from
the queensland art gallery foundation | collection: queensland art
gallery | ©
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2010, carsten höller for goma
‘21st century: art in the first
decade’ demonstrates the gallery’s
commitment to being truly
international in its contemporary
collection development and
programming. this multi-platform
project encompasses a major
exhibition occupying the entire
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