the premier of queensland and minister for the
arts, anna bligh,
, launched the publications
Century: Art in the First Decade
21st Century
Art for Kids
at the ‘21st century: art in the first
decade’ media preview, goma, 17 december 2010.
only with the support of government and many other
partners has the gallery been able to present an
exceptional range of exhibitions, programs and publications
that appeal to and attract our existing and new audiences.
the year’s achievements would
not have been possible without
the continued and considerable
support provided by anna bligh,
premier of queensland and minister
for the arts and the queensland
government. our thanks go to ken
smith, director-general, department
of the premier and cabinet; Leigh
tabrett, deputy director-general, arts
queensland; the executive and staff
of arts queensland.
the queensland government
provided specific funding support to
the ‘hats: an anthology by stephen
Jones’ and ‘Valentino, retrospective:
past, present, future’ exhibitions.
we could not have realised these
exhibitions without this support.
we also extend our thanks to the
australian government, the australia
council for the arts and Visions of
attendance across the two-site
gallery increased by more than
848 000, attracting a total of 1 837
823 visitors in 2010. audience surveys
reflected 97 per cent satisfaction with
this year’s exhibitions, with regional,
interstate and international visitors all
well represented.
two collection-based touring
exhibitions and six public programs
visited regional communities
attracting more than 27 000 visitors
to regional queensland venues.
diverse public programs were
presented across both sites, including
specific initiatives such as my gen
50+, new wave teens and up Late
events which totalled 27 331.
this year, the gallery’s volunteer
guides led a total of 2662 guided tours
for 42 266 visitors. school groups from
local, regional and interstate locations
visited throughout the year, with
44 176 students attending.
more than 30 000 patrons attended
screenings of over 500 feature films
and videos presented by the gallery’s
australian cinémathèque.
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