
Pip Haydon
Garnish (from ‘Eyes bigger than the belly’ series), 2000 (detail)

Artwork | Statement | History

Pip Haydon
Garnish (from ‘Eyes bigger than the belly’ series), 2000
Icing, acrylic paint, glue
400 x 600cm
Collection of the artist
Reproduced with permission

Pip Haydon works within a tradition of modernist abstract painting. She also mocks the seriousness of that tradition through her playful application of the brightly coloured blobs of acrylic paint and icing that stud the surface of her works.

In much of her work, the paint is so thickly applied that the painting begins to take on a sculptural aspect. These works challenge the distinction between painting and sculpture by exploring the possibility of three-dimensional painting.

A recent development in her work has been the use of unconventional media. Instead of working with paint, Haydon uses equipment normally associated with cake decorating to create various motifs from icing sugar. These motifs are then affixed directly to the gallery wall with hot glue.

Garnish is a large-scale work (4 x 6m) in which Haydon continues this practice. The work has been created over a period of two weeks on site in the Gallery’s foyer.

Pip Haydon
Garnish (from ‘Eyes bigger than the belly’ series), 2000
Icing, acrylic paint, glue
400 x 600cm
Collection of the artist

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