Indonesia b.1960
The artist installing Ceremony of the soul 1995 Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art 2002 Queensland Art Gallery Photograph: Matthew Kassay |
Heri Dono works in the low-tech end of multimedia art, using performance, puppets, text, music, sound and mechanical devices to create environments and kinetic sculptures. Dono’s works draw on Indonesian traditions, beliefs and motifs, as well as Western aesthetic principals, narratives and popular culture. Through his expressive personal style, Dono often uses elements of the grotesque to question political institutions and to comment on the human condition. Heri Dono lives and works in Yogyakarta and has exhibited widely.
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Heri Dono Glass vehicles (detail) 1995 Glass, fibreglass, cloth, lamps, cable, iron, toy carriages 15 units: 125 x 40 x 40cm each Collection: The artist Photograph: Matthew Kassay |
The artist’s preliminary sketches of Glass vehicles 1995 Courtesy: The artist |
Ceremony of the soul 1995, Flying angels 1996 and Glass vehicles 1995 involve the repetition of doll-like figures. These figures represent the Indonesian concept of the everyman, or orang kecil (‘little man’), a concept that privileges collective identity over individual ego. Dono uses these figures to suggest the experience of individuals in mass organisations such as bureaucracies and armies. Ceremony of the soul examines the extreme powerlessness felt by ordinary Indonesians during the 32 years of Suhato’s dictatorship.
Heri Dono Ceremony of the soul (details)1995 Stone, fibreglass, plastic, radio and tape player, lamps, fans, wood 9 figures: 70 x 60 x 50cm each Collection: The artist Photographs: Matthew Kassay |
Heri Dono’s figures are human in form but contain mechanical, often clockwork, components. Dono draws on Indonesian wayang puppetry, an art form that traditionally incorporates social commentary. Other sources for his figures include the Western fascination with automata and robots, which questioned the status and actions of human beings.
Heri Dono Flying angels (details) 1996 Bamboo, fibreglass, electric fan parts, electronic components, fabric 10 units: 60 x 135 x 19cm each Collection: The artist Photograph: Matthew Kassay |
In his works, Dono often makes use of matrix or grid-like structures. These structures have aesthetic significance in European modernist art as well as having spiritual significance in Indonesian culture in the form of the mandala. Dono also takes inspiration from Western popular culture, with Flying angels 1995 based on the animated Flash Gordon cartoons that he has loved since childhood.
List of works in APT 2002
Artists and Works
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