
Badu Island, Torres Strait.
Map (detail) by Alick Tipoti

Artwork | Statement | History

Alick Tipoti, Horn Island 2000
Reproduced with permission

I get my inspiration from the ancient artefacts of the Torres Strait Islands, which I have had the opportunity to see in universities and museums, and from the traditional stories handed down and recorded by my father and the recognised elders of the Torres Strait. My art is built on, and held together by, traditional Torres Strait designs, based on legends of the past. Recognition of the Torres Strait is expressed and given by the stories depicted in my art. I feel printmaking to be the best method to obtain the traditional Torres Strait feel. Images and figures of my forefathers and artefacts are shown in my work, as well as the many land and sea creatures that exist in the Torres Strait.


Left to right:

Alick Tipoti
Ali (detail), 2000
100 x 50cm
Collection of the artist
Reproduced with permission

Kobupa thoerapiese (detail), 1999
100 x 50cm
Collection of the artist
Reproduced with permission

Mawa kedtha (detail), 1999
100 x 50cm
Collection of the artist
Reproduced with permission